We Congratulate
- • Fhatuwani Mudau on his appointment as Head Boy of St David's Marist Inanda
- • Tebogo Mokgwatsane on being appointed as one of the head students of Holy Family College
- • Wandile Motsamai on being named as Dux at Maryvale College
- • Mavis Ndlovu on being named as Dux at Waverley Girls' High School
- • Nombuso Dlomo and Chukwuka Egele on being the top matric students at Holy Family College
- • Lungile Ncube on being presented with a blue blazer and awarded top achiever in grade 11 at Sacred Heart College
Scholarships for Grade 8s 2024
Malatji Mofenyi has been awarded a Theo Jackson Scholarship at Jeppe Boys’ High School. Nontobeko Ndlovu and Tshiamo Lukhele have been offered Ruth First scholarships at Jeppe Girls’ High School.
The Grade 8 Maths Camp
A very successful grade 8 Maths Camp, with fun outdoor activities, took place at Camp Discovery in Limpopo in August. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to acquaint ourselves with the new grade 8s and for them to get to know one another. It provides a sense of belonging to the AEC.
Annual Prize-Giving
We held our annual prize-giving in October just before the matrics started their final exams. This is a celebration of our bursars’ hard work throughout the year. It was an enjoyable occasion with one of our alumni, Given Mothapo, giving an inspiring address based on his personal experiences. There was a packed hall for this important function.
Tshepang Tsotetsi from Jeppe Boys’ High celebrates being awarded the trophy for the highest achieving boy with his mum, his headmaster, Mr Dale Jackson, and some Jeppe staff.
St Michael's Church - Sisters of Dorcas
The AEC has had a long relationship with the St Michael’s Church community in Bryanston, and we were delighted to receive, from their Sisters of Dorcas committee, a car-boot full of stationery for our learners to use. Thank you, ladies!
Saturday Schools
We have concluded our weekly Saturday schools for the year. All our stakeholders are welcome to visit us to witness some 400 grade 6s to 12s at work studying the gateway subjects alongside foundation-reinforcing learning such as WordQuest, coding and Reflective Learning.
A message from one of our matric boys
We were very gratified to receive a message from one of our matric boys:
Thank You!
Our very sincere thanks go to Mrs Helene Maritz at CMI for once again going to so much trouble to create our newsletter so wonderfully pro bono.