AEC: Matric Results 2022
Posted by admin at 8 Feb, 2023A very happy new year to all supporters of the AEC.
We are delighted to share with you the following 2022 matric results. We commend the matrics for overcoming the ghastly Covid-related circumstances of a large part of their high school years.
We achieved a 100% pass rate in the IEB and NSC matric exams. Unbelievably, for the first time, every single student achieved a university entrance (Bachelors Diploma).
Examination Results
We thank all the friends of the AEC for your support in making this happen.
It’s the time of the year many of us prepare our tax returns. If you haven’t yet taken full advantage of the tax-deductible amount for donating to charitable causes, then now is the time to do so. Consider making a donation to the AEC and give someone from Alex a chance to become one of our country’s future leaders.
Should you wish to support us, our bank details are:
Alexandra Education Committee
Standard Bank
Account: 402 086 252
Please click on the following links to follow us on:
Our Alexandra Education Facebook Page
Our AEC Alumni Page
Our Twitter Feed @alexeducationZA.
Our website
We are a listed beneficiary of BackaBuddy
Kindly note we offer Section 18a Tax and B-BBEE certificates.